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Scuba Diving

Colombia is the only country in Southamerica bordering with 2 oceans, the Pacific and the Caribbean Sea, which gives Scuba Divers the opportunity to choose between a variety of different diving conditions and sites.

The colombian caribbean offers about 2800 km2 of coral reefs featuring hard corals, fan corals and sponges. More than 2 thirds located around the oceanic islands San Andres and Providencia. The underwater topography of some locations includes wall and wreck diving.

The Pacific ocean is packed with fish life and there we find one of the worlds top diving spots for Shark observation; Malpelo island. Places like Nuqui and Bahia Solano in the Choco Region and Gorgona island offer some amazing Humpback Whale watching from June to October.

Recommended Scuba Diving Experiences

"Dear Arthur,
That was a great trip! 17 divers, 8 crews and 15 different nationalities, I love that!
We saw Whale Sharks during more than half of the dives! Some times, they even came to see us during our safety stop! I have been diving everywhere in the World, but I never saw that before."

Malpelo, Colombia

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