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COLOMBIA – Paisajes impresionantes, una exuberante biodiversidad y gente acogedora
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Colombia ofrece buceo en dos Oceanos y uno de las mejores destinos con tiburones martillos del mundo
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Sumergete en Medellín, una ciudad vibrante en constante transformación.
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Pura Colombia Mindful Travel es desde 2009 su Agencia operadora de viajes de confianza para expediciones de buceo y auténticos viajes por tierra en Colombia.
Nos enfocamos en Eco- y Turismo Rural, cultura y comunidades locales, expediciones de buceo a Malpelo e Isla Gorgona y viajes terrestres en el rico en cultura e increiblemente biodiverso Departamento de Antioquia con su capital, la ciudad de Medellin.

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“Traveling allows you to become so many different versions of yourself”

Welcome to Pura Colombia Mindful Travel – Authentic Colombia Tours. Your are invited to browse our Travel-experiences in Colombia, one of the most diverse countries on our planet.

Bordered by two oceans, crossed by three mountain ranges, worldwide second in biodiversity, beautiful colonial villages and a mindblowing cultural and ethnic diversity – this is Colombia – a place that exceeds your imagination.

Submerge yourself into this lush tropical garden embedded in majestic green mountains and meet the smiles, warmth and traditions of its beautiful people and indigenous communities. .

Our new branding «Mindful Travel» reflects our mission to support healthy interacions and self discovery through the integration of a most authentic and sustainable travel experience.

Why travel with us?

Personalized services

Since 2009 we have been creating costumized trips, that best suit your interests and passions.

24/7 support during your trip.

We are located in Colombia and therefore able to provide assistance on site.


We work with local and indigenous communities and provide real, authentic experiences.

Professional Guides and Instructors

We work with a Team of professional, dedicated Tour Guides, Diving instructors and Yoga/Qi Gong Teachers

This was a terrific trip !
Thanks for your help in getting it organized. Juan and Adriana were invaluable in finding species.
Pura Colombia did a great job.
El Cantil had a great staff, the female cooks & cleaning people and the male guides.
We saw 10 species per day in Choco. Large number of families of reptiles. Surprised us all with such good luck. Great photography.
Hiking was challenging and I loved it. We had to climb on our stomachs and we went down on our rears. This was very good trip/adventure for me.

Nuqui, Colombian Pacific

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